
Preventive Dentistry
in Saginaw, TX

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The Importance of Routine Preventive Care For Kids

Dr. Christina and Dr. Elias want to make sure our patients maintain a healthy smile. That is why routine preventive visits to Saginaw Kids Dentistry are essential. Here are just a few more reasons:

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Teaches Good Oral Health Habits

The habits your child learns when they’re young will stay with them as they grow older, so it’s important to teach them good oral health habits early.


Become More Familiar With Dentistry

Your child will have a dental home at Saginaw Kids Dentistry. They will feel more comfortable and develop lifelong relationships with Dr. Elias, Dr. Christina, and the rest of our team.

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Child getting teeth checked
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Track Oral Health And Development

With routine visits, you can ensure your child’s mouth is healthy and developing properly, and take action if Dr. Elias or Dr. Christina notice any issues, such as orthodontic problems or oral development.

Teeth Cleanings & Oral Exams

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Routine teeth cleanings and oral exams are essential for your child’s oral health. We recommend that they come to Saginaw Kids Dentistry every six months. Our dental team will gently clean their teeth and take x-rays. Then, Dr. Christina or Dr. Elias will perform a comprehensive exam to make sure your child's teeth, tongue, and gums are strong and healthy.

How can we Prevent Cavities?

It's always our goal to keep your child's smile healthy and prevent dental issues before they arise. These simple and easy treatments are recommended as preventive treatments for your child's visit.

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Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride treatments are a great way to strengthen your child’s teeth, rebuild their enamel, and reduce the risk of tooth decay in the future. Fluoride treatment is typically done as part of a six-month visit. Dr. Elias or Dr. Christina will apply a thin layer of fluoride to your child’s teeth. This strengthens the enamel and helps prevent future cavities.

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Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are made of a layer of thin, transparent resin that can help prevent cavities, so they’re great for kids who struggle with tooth decay. Dental sealants function by stopping oral bacteria, acid, and food particles from directly contacting the rear teeth.

Get Expert Care For Your Child

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Dr. Elias and Dr. Christina are standing by to provide your little one with expert care.

What Is Silver Diamine Fluoride?

Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) is a mixture of ammonia, silver, fluoride, and water that halts and treats cavities in baby teeth, preserving the tooth until your child’s adult tooth emerges.

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SDF Treatment Process

SDF requires no numbing or preparation. Dr. Elias or Dr. Christina will simply apply the SDF directly to your child’s tooth with a small brush. This takes only minutes.

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Benefits of SDF

SDF is cheaper than a filling. It’s also less invasive, and requires no trimming of the tooth. This makes it a great choice for treating baby teeth.

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Does My Child Need SDF?

If your child has a cavity, SDF may be the best way to restore their baby tooth. Find out if they need SDF with a consultation at Saginaw Kids Dentistry.

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child using mouthguard


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Dr. Christina and Dr. Elias offer custom-fitted mouthguards to protect your child's dental health. Some reasons Dr. Christina and Dr. Elias may recommend a mouthguard include teeth grinding (bruxism), obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ), or if your child participates in contact sports. Come visit us and protect your child's teeth at Saginaw Kids Dentistry.

Schedule An Appointment Now

Protect your child’s mouth with a teeth cleaning and oral exam.

little girl brushing her teeth